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Service As Action (To you Students)


Updated: May 16, 2020

Welcome (to who I assume are also fellow students of the IB)!

This post is a part of my IB Service as Action requirements and I am here to show you—and hopefully inspire you—on how to do your SaA/Service Learning.

My service as action is a continuation of my Personal Project. As a service for the parents (maybe even your parents) I decided to continue my topic of Modern Parenting. As you can see from the Other BlogPosts in this website, I provide personalised tips and insights for "Modern parenting." Through my website, I was able to give parents some insight (or at least sources for them to gain insight) on parenting.

A word to the students:

To you students just starting (or about to start) the SaA, take this website as a possible example. Your service doesn't have to be something mainstream, niche, special, or big, it can be anything as long as it is a service to someone. Think of something you are good at or passionate about to make your SaA infinitely easier.

Special thanks to my sources/interviewees and seminar speaker.

This is because your SaA will require a fair amount of commitment to carry out. Choose a topic that suits you as a person, but also helps others in society.

My topic is as simple as parenting because of how modern society places a great amount of burden to younger generations. Obviously I have yet to gain any experience, but I believe even sharing or spreading tips is a good enough service to do.

Choose your topics carefully and make sure to do it early. In reality, the SaA is a simple task that we only need to do once or twice. Invest in the investigation, take records of the reflections, and stop procrastinating. Finish this now and trust me, your burdens will (temporarily) become nonexistent.

It doesn't have to be something significant, just something helpful.

"Helping others is not only good for them and a good thing to do, it also makes us happier and healthier too."

- Some random guy

Special Thanks to those who participated in the Seminar

A word to the parents (if you happen to be reading this):

Thank you so much for reading my posts—and for the more dedicated of the bunch, subscribing to this website. If you have any complaints, comments, feedback, or just want to share some of your experiences, please do go ahead and comment on the various posts I have provided.

I will do my best to keep adding more posts on my own personal opinions and more professional and valid perspectives (after extensive research of course).

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